
Project origin

‘Gallinas y Focas’ Hens and Seals is a wine rich in human content, the fruit of a collaboration between amadip esment and 4kilos vineyard. amadip.esment is an organization for people with mental disabilities, who along with their families get to enjoy an improved quality of life and share the same opportunities as other citizens.

Origin of the Name

‘Gallinas y Focas’ is the result of a brainstorm of ideas on behalf of the members of amadip.esment to come up with the name of the wine. When they were asked why they had chosen such a name the reply couldn’t have been clearer: hens are funny and seals clap. At the same time they were asked to come up with illustrative drawings of hens and seals that would then therefore serve to illustrate the wine label.



Gallinas & Focas

‘Gallinas y Focas’ is the result of a brainstorm of ideas on behalf of the members of amadip.esment to come up with the name of the wine.


Sa Cussa Antònia

Sa cussa Antònia es descendiente directade la perra espacial Laika. Ella fue el primer ser vivo terrestre en orbitar la Tierra en 1957 a bordo de la nave soviética Sputnik.Sa Cussa Antònia aún vive en el norte de Mallorca.

Our team

Hens & Seals 2013

Our wine Hens & Seals 2013 is on sale.

Making Hens & Seals

Vídeo making of Hens & Seals 2014

Hens & Seals Drawings 2014

Visit our gallery making the new label drawings Hens & Seals 2014

Verema 2014